Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The twisted parts of it

The TTC journey has begun as we know. I don't know if it'll happen for us or when or how or whatever the case may be. However, IF for SOME reason I got pregnant soon, I know it would just be a twisted mess in my head. I wanted to start trying right away because of the issues we had before and I want to know if we will need help conceiving. But if turned out to be pregnant this cycle or next cycle or even the cycle after that, my head would be all twisted I am sure. I'd be scared and I'd be happy and I'd be confused. Am I putting my future baby at risk? Will people think that I'm replacing Jack too soon and judge me? Will Jack think I am replacing him? But then at the same time I would be happy and have hope for the future. It's all so weird.


  1. Check please if it's safe to TTC this soon after a c-section. I heard that you need to wait some months because of the scar. Good luck with everything, I am keeping my fingers crossed and I know you aren't trying to replace Jack, you are just pursuing your dream of having a family. xox

  2. No one will ever think that you want to replace Jack,simply because it is not possible,Jack will never be replaced!! But that does not mean that you are not entitled to happiness and that you can not be a mother again,because you can and will be.Also,you really should not care what anybody thinks,this is about you and your family ,xxx chr
