Thursday, December 8, 2011

Meant to be

People always use the expressions "It was meant to be" or "It wasn't meant to be". I was one of those people. I always thought if something doesn't happen, there was a reason why. Then when I won the IVF raffle, I thought, "it's meant to be! I'm meant to get pregnant!" And I did. But what about this situation? Is there some meaning behind Jack dying? Is there a meaning behind life and death in general? Why did Jack have to die versus someone old and who has lived their life already? If someone was to tell me that Sean and I were not meant to have Jack, for whatever reason, I think I'd punch them in the face. But it's just something I think about because now I just look at faith, hope, wishes, and things that are "meant to be" and I don't believe in all that anymore. I feel like I was meant to have Jack. I wished for him so badly and had such faith that Sean and I would be great parents. And what happened? He was taken from us for no reason at all.

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