Sunday, December 18, 2011

Rubbing it in

Every channel plays Christmas movies I would have loved to watch with Jack. I wish he was sitting with me on the couch. I wish I could be listening to Christmas carols with him and buying him his first Christmas presents.
I went to Publix today to do some grocery shopping... Finally. It's something I dread to do. Grocery stores have moms and babies, families, and it's somewhere I pictured being with Jack a lot. I wanted to buy apple juice today. And guess where that is? Yup. In the baby aisle. So I get to pass all the baby stuff. When I was going through my infertility, I always wondered if I'd ever go down that aisle. Then while pregnant with Jack, I always said to myself, I'll finally be able to go down there. And then Jack was gone and I'm back being scared of that aisle.

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