Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Not to be that couple

Sean came up to me last night, looked me straight in the eyes, and said "I don't want to be that couple that fights". I told him we aren't. We have gotten stronger. We have experienced a tragedy most couples will never face and we have so many emotions that no one will ever understand. It's only normal if we have meltdowns or explosions. It's just usually not at each other. I would rather the emotions come out instead of being buried deep down. We both said that what we more than anything in this world is to try to start a family. Jack needs a sibling. We need a take home baby that we can watch grow up.
I love Sean. I can honestly say without a doubt in my mind I am in love with him and I want to grow old with him. He is my best friend who has seen me at my worst and who has led me through darkness. I only hope that other couples who experienced this kind of loss have the same strength and love to get them through such a tough time.

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