Wednesday, November 30, 2011

You are invited to a pity party...

I feel so fat. I have all this baby weight and I feel so gross. I am not happy with the way I look at all. But then at the same time, I am not motivated to do anything to lose any of it. Sure I have been watching what I eat (for the most part) but I am so not motivated to diet or exercise. But then I look at myself and I am grossed out.
I have stretch marks in places I never thought I'd get them. I have more cellulite than I have ever seen on my body. My favorite part of my body (my breasts) are ruined. At least in my eyes.
All this and I don't have a baby to show for it.

1 comment:

  1. it has only been a month and a half..Don't be so hard on yourself..I am just now( over 8 months) starting to get back in will get there and your body will tell you when it is ready.As for the breasts..They will bounce back,trust me on that one....You DID have a baby,even though you can not show him to others,you saw him and you held that little Angel Jack...
    sending you strength and love..Chr
