Monday, November 21, 2011

I wish I knew now what I didn't know then

I wish I got off birth control sooner. I wish Sean and I got married quicker. I wish Sean and I started trying sooner. I wish I knew there would be an issue. I wish I would have saved money. I wish I did the teaching thing (or SOMETHING) sooner mainly so I could have insurance that would help me through this better. I wish I could not worry about how Sean and I would get pregnant.
I'm so sick of the what ifs, the should haves, the could haves, the whys, etc. I just want Sean and I to be happy and not have to keep saying how unfair our life is.

I don't know where I would be right now if it wasn't for Sean. He literally has been my rock. The only "good thing" that came out of this mess of a situation is how much stronger our relationship has becomes. We truly found love in a hopeless place.

I love you, Sean. Forever and always. No matter what.....

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