Sunday, November 27, 2011


I finally put away all the cards and letters we received after Jack's passing. They are in a Winnie the Pooh box by the rocking chair.
I look back on them now. I'm moved by how many people reached out. I'm moved by some of the people who actually made the effort to reach out.
Words like support, prayers, thoughts, the future, sorry, strength, love, tears, condolences... I could go on and on and on.
What I would give to be looking at congratulations cards, welcome baby cards, and cards with pictures of things like balloons and animals.
The words of one person will always stand out the most. She said I glowed and that she envied the pride I had in carrying Jack. That is so true. I was SO proud and happy to be carrying my son. No one can deny me of that.
I miss you, Jack.
Goodnight, my son. Thinking of you every second of the day.

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