Saturday, May 5, 2012

Pictures and Videos of my girl

I go and look at my collection of pictures and videos I have of my baby girl. I hope so badly that she makes it. I can't go through that heart ache again! I will admit it. I am attached to my baby girl. I want her to make it. I want to hold her and hear her cry. I want to smell her and touch her. I love feeling her kick and move around. I love listening to her heartbeat. I can not wait to meet her and I hope that I will meet her alive. I want to meet my baby girl and BRING HER HOME! Jack will forever and ever be my baby boy. But I am in love with his sister. I want her to make it and be with me. Please, please. Whoever is out there or whatever is out there, please, please don't let Sean and I lose another child. I don't think we would be able to handle it. And we have so much love to give. I just want August 8th to get here already so I can know what will happen. The waiting part is the worst. 3 months to go.....

24 Weeks

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