Sunday, March 25, 2012


We went to a mass today at Sean's parents' church which was intended for "Baby Jack and family". As soon as that was said, the tears flowed. And all around us were nice, happy families and A LOT of little boys. It was nice to have a mass for Jack and it was nice to be there since Sean and I did not go to the other masses that my family did and the "funeral". But I know after how I reacted to day (over 5 months later), I would have been a mess at the other services for Jack.

As I watched the people go up to communion, there was a mother holding a little girl's hand and her big brother walked beside them. My only thought: "that should be Jack with his little sister". Then I saw a man holding a little blonde boy who could not have been more than 2. My eyes welled up with tears again. It was hard but nice at the same time.

I miss him so much.

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