Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Passing time

I look at Jack's picture and urn and can't believe it's been almost 10 months. Samantha kicks and moves in my womb but there are times when I wish it was still Jack. I would have loved to meet him and watch him grow. I am grateful for my daughter. I am grateful for the love I already feel for her, but I will forever grieve my son and wish he was here with me. Instead I am forced to try to "hang in there", to try "not to put stress on my baby", to do my best for her. I had about 2 months to myself to grieve the loss of my son without his sister inside of me. Was it enough? What do I do if I lose her too? Do we try again right away or do I take more time to myself? Especially after being pregnant for about 2 years in a row. But how do I handle empty arms again?
3 weeks. In 3 weeks, we should know if we will find happiness with our daughter or not.

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