Sunday, July 29, 2012


Sean and I went to a wedding yesterday where there were a lot of children. Of course my first thought is how I wish Jack was there, what he'd be like around all those kids, and how much I wish I could show him off to the world.
At one point, we were inside and the kids (mainly boys) were playing with trucks on the floor in front of me, Sean sitting next to me on the floor. The little boys had him join in their fun with the trucks, books, and other toys. Watching Sean play with them killed me. He is such a good dad and he has missed the opportunity to be a dad to Jack. He would have loved it and been so good! I want to scream when I think of that and the pain in my heart is great. If Samantha gets here, she will be one lucky little girl and she will love her daddy. I just know it.

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