Friday, July 27, 2012


I wonder if the differences I feel with this pregnancy are a sign. Does it mean that the outcome will be different? I sure hope so. But I'm sure it's normal. And if I do ever get pregnant again, that one will probably be different too.

With this pregnancy:
A lot more movement
Worse heart burn later in pregnancy
A lot more uncomfortable to move
Harder to sleep at night due to discomfort
Peeing a lot more especially throughout the night (every 2-3 hours)
I literally feel her head pushing "down there"
I always felt Jack's butt being there (even when he had passed) but with Sam, I feel like I know where each part of her body is
Sam's foot literally pushes at my side
In the beginning of this pregnancy, I didn't like certain smells
There are certain foods I do or don't want throughout the stages of this pregnancy. Right now, I don't want bacon.
Sean feels her move from outside a lot more than he did with Jack.
I feel her higher up next to my chest now.
I feel her have hiccups a lot. I never felt that with Jack.

I'm sure there are more. I want to remember these moments. No matter the outcome.

1 comment:

  1. The outcome WILL be different,i understand your worries.You are almost there my friend,praying for you as always,xx chr
