Tuesday, July 31, 2012

How it is

As time passes after Jack and as time gets closer to Samantha, it's interesting how people react to Sean and me. Some people treat us like a plague and don't know how to approach us. I run into people who see me pregnant and they don't know how to react. I scare them. Some people think that after time and after getting pregnant again, Sean and I are ok and we don't need them anymore. They think time heals the wound of losing a son. FYI, it doesn't. They think that since we are pregnant again, we should have moved on and completely focus on our new pregnancy. Not only does it make me miss Jack more, it also scares the crap out of me because how do I know what will happen to Samantha. There are those who have moved on with their lives and forgotten about us. This is the difficult position for us because how can we expect anyone to still be sympathetic and caring when everyone has their own lives; their own issues? Then of course there are those that have stuck by us throughout the past almost 10 months and have been there no matter what and don't forget that Jack exists. People on the bump talk all the time about how they have lost friends or have drifted from friends after their loss. I did not expect that to happen to me, but it's something I have to accept and move on from. How else will I survive? I just have to focus on my family's future and the people that will be there not only in the present but in the future.

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