Thursday, July 12, 2012

Count down

4 weeks and counting. I can't believe it's right around the corner. Crossing my fingers that she comes out safely and healthy. I still can not picture us with a live baby. I pictured Jack with us so many times and that went to sh*t so now I can not picture us with a real baby home with us, on trips with us, outside with us. Nothing... It won't hit me till it happens I guess. IF it happens.
I know my body and my mind and my heart are all ready for a break from pregnancy. 2 years with only about 2 months break being pregnant is pretty tough. It's draining; both physically and emotionally. I guess more so because of what happened to us obviously. But I'm just ready to hopefully meet this little one and take a nice break from being pregnant.

Please, baby girl. Come safely to us.... Jack, watch over us.

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