Sunday, July 8, 2012

Damn the Internet

A headache started tonight. More like a one sided migraine. I reach for my phone and check the Internet. Most of the time it's common. Very common. But there are times when a headache can mean preeclampsia. My cousin had it. So of course Sean and I think the worst. I want to check my blood pressure so Sean ran off to buy a tester. He's freaking out. That doesn't help how I feel. I don't want him to worry. I don't want him to be scared. But I don't want to put anything off. I don't want to say, oh I'm going to the doctor tomorrow. We will check then. What if that's too late?
Blood pressure seems fine. I called the doctor office just in case and he called back and said not to go to hospital if blood pressure is ok.
I hate this fear.... I can not sleep because I'm fearing the worst. Please be ok, baby girl. PLEASE!!!!!!

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