Wednesday, March 6, 2013

You will be ok.

I can finally tell people that. I can finally give the advice to people that no matter what happens in their lives, they will be ok. Time doesn't heal wounds; they will always be there. But time does help them feel a little better. My loss of Jack is still fresh and it still hurts, but my days have gotten easier. Before, every time I thought of Jack I cried, or wanted to cry. Now, there are times when I think of him and I smile. No I don't feel like it was meant to happen, but the thought of Jack makes me love Sean and Samantha more. The thought of Jack has brought Sean and I closer as a couple. And the thought of Jack is what made Sean and I try so hard to bring Sam into this world and I couldn't be more grateful for a daughter like her. And I thank Jack for all of that.
So for all of you out there suffering a loss, dealing with relationship issues, or whatever the case may be, you will be ok. It may not seem like it now, but eventually, you WILL be ok.

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