Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Words I used to live by

Everything happens for a reason.
If it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be.
Live life with no regrets.

Those are pretty common phrases people use in their lives. And I definitely used those sayings a lot and lived that way. Until I lost Jack.
If everything happens for reason, please tell me the reason my son was taken from me! Tell me what reason in this world could a baby not even able to see his mother would die.
If something is not meant to be, it won't happen. Well in my heart and head, I know Jack was meant to be my son. I was meant to deliver him and watch him grow up. I know this all for a fact. I was meant to have a baby boy.
And living life with no regrets. Ha. Good luck. Sure I wish I could take back things or do stuff over, but I regret so badly I decided to deliver Jack via C-section. I will beat myself up over that for the rest of my life. He deserved a natural delivery like I planned. He deserved to be brought into this world like a living child. But I was scared and selfish.

I continue on in life not saying these phrases or ever believing in them.

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