Monday, March 18, 2013

Not fair to her...

Continuing from the feelings of today, I'm just having one of those hard days that Jack is just constantly on my mind and I'm feeling bitter and upset. And as of now, I feel like I'm taking it out on Samantha. These are the feelings and actions I am afraid of and know I have to deal with. It's not her fault. She deserves just as much love and attention that I feel for Jack. But I am in just in constant wonder of why he is not here with me. I wish I had answers. I wish I didn't feel like I deserve more. But I do. And no matter what, Sam does not deserve to feel my sadness or anger. I am going to go smother her with kisses now.

1 comment:

  1. I understand these conflicting feelings so much and the fear that your living child will suffer from your grief. Be kind to yourself through it all.
