Wednesday, March 27, 2013

How about some loving

As I say goodnight to my little Samantha, my little ladybug, my little monkey, tears well up in my eyes. But not tears of sadness. These are tears of joy and of such pure, indescribable, loving emotion.

I love my daughter. I can NOT describe the feelings I feel for her. I wish I could cuddle her all night. I wish I could sweep her out of her crib and just love on her and watch her fall asleep every night. I know I am not supposed to do that. She is supposed to be independent in her crib and soothe herself. And I do restrain myself. I know it will be better for all of us in the long run.

It's that cliche saying though, "you don't understand the love you will have for a child until you have one". I never did realize how much I would love my daughter until I spend these moments with her. And I am already missing them.

Anyway, so here I am, taking a break from my broken self who does miss her son more than anything. But I also love and cherish these moments with my daughter. My mind and heart become filled with love for her and it helps with the sadness of missing Jack. Jack will never be replaced. NEVER. But the overwhelming love that I feel for Samantha help make the days a bit easier. And I can't thank her enough for that.

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