Sunday, March 31, 2013


Not only do I get scared that I'm going to lose Samantha to SIDs or accidental strangulation by a blanket, I also get scared of losing Samantha and Sean at the same time in some car accident. And then there is the fear of them losing me. I'll admit that I have never been one to be too concerned with my own life. But now I am scared out of my mind that if something were to happen to me, what would happen to them? What would happen to Sean job wise and financially? (Reminder: It's really time to get life insurance!!!) I'm the one who Samantha is obsessed with right now. She needs her mommy. What would she do without me? I know she would eventually get over me, but I don't want her to. I know Samantha's schedule. I know when she is supposed to eat and sleep. I can read her cries and know what she wants at most moments. How would she be without her mommy? And how would Sean be without his wife? Don't get me wrong, I know Sean would step up to the plate and he would have so much help from our family and friends. But I just do not want to imagine them without me.

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