Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

The day has come and gone. It was hard. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be. We were at Rocky Lake so I was able to sit on the dock with Samantha and talk to Jack. Wishing he was there. However, as soon as I was up in the morning, and when it hit me, all I could do was cry. And cry and cry. It's not getting easier. At all. Then as we were driving home, I lost it all over again. I got a lot of texts and emails wishing me a happy mother's day. But I only got a couple "happy first mother's day". Didn't really want to respond to anyone, but I gave the polite thank you's. Being a mother is amazing. I have expressed that I don't know how many times. But when one of your children is not here to spend such an important day with you, it just makes it really hard. I do wish it gets easier, but I don't know if it ever will. Jack will always be missing.

Sean (with the help of friends of course) got me this:

It's his actual footprints. I love it and am planning on hanging it in my bedroom. We will be making one for Samantha too. Thinking of doing a ladybug for her. 

Happy Mother's Day to all of you out there. Happy Mother's Day to the moms who's children are with them and to those who's children are no longer with us. Also to those women out there trying their hardest to become moms. I know how hard it is, but all of you should be celebrated. 

And to Jack... I miss you. I will always miss you. And I hope you know that your mother will always have you in her heart especially on days like Mother's Day. 

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