Wednesday, May 15, 2013

May 15th

Today is my parents' 42nd wedding anniversary. It makes me sad. If Papa was here, I would be going to their house and celebrating with them. If Papa was here, he would be so happy and proud to say that he and Mama have been married for so long. They were so in love. Even after so many years. I can only hope that Sean and I are like that after so long. They are my example of how a happy couple should be. My father was DEVOTED to my mother. He would have done anything and everything for her. My father was the man any woman would be lucky to have and so grateful to have. My mother doesn't ask about my father. She didn't realize that he passed away. She doesn't think about the love her life not being with her everyday like he used to be. Is that better? I guess so. She would have been completely and utterly heartbroken the day my father died. They were so in love. But at the same time, wouldn't you want to know that the love of your life has left for good? Would you want to mourn him/her? Would you want to be able to feel the emotions and shed the tears that this amazing person in your life deserves? I think about it. Sure it's easier on her, especially in the state she is in. But if she did not have dementia and if she did realize what was going on, maybe she would want to know that her husband had died so she could mourn him.

Happy 42nd Anniversary, Mamo and Papo. You are truly an example to couples everywhere and I wish that Sean and I can at least come close to the relationship you had. You were an amazing couple and even more amazing parents. I am grateful everyday that I am your daughter. This day will always be remembered as your wedding anniversary. I will never forget the pictures of Mama's dress, the car, the Church, the guests, and of the love.

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