Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hard Day

Today is a hard day. I don't know where it came from. I have had tears on days and I've continued to feel the heart ache, but today is just a hard day. The question of why keeps coming up in my head and I'm missing Jack today a lot.

Dearest Jack,

Sweet child of mine. You were taken from me before I was taken. It should have been me. Not you. I wish I could have held you longer. I wish I could have comforted you. I am so sorry if you felt any pain. I am sorry if it was my fault. Did you meet Samantha before she came to us? Thank you for watching over her and being there to see that everything was ok. Is Dziadzo with you? Isn't he amazing? I hope you can hold his hand and get to know him. Is Carlo with you? Tell him his mother talks about him all the time and misses him so much. Will I get to see you again some day? I want to hold you and see you smile. I want to hear you and see your eyes open. I hope to see you on the other side.

I love you. Forever and always.


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