Wednesday, January 16, 2013


My cousin's son's birthday is tomorrow. He would be 27 years old. I wrote her a message telling her how much I am here for her, that I am thinking of Carlo often, that I could only imagine the pain she's going through. I told her that losing Jack was the hardest thing I have ever gone through and it is still so very hard. However, the one thing that I am grateful for is that I did not know him, that I did not hear him breathe, and that his hand did not wrap around my finger. Her pain must be so much greater than mine because she had her son for over 20 years and then he was just taken from her, like that. The only minor hope and prayer I have is that Jack and my father and Carlo are all together with the rest of our loved ones that have passed. But is that being naive? I hope not....

Happy 27th birthday, Carlo. Thinking of you often and I hope you are up above watching over your family.

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