Monday, January 28, 2013


Samantha was baptized yesterday. The ceremony was beautiful, the reception was very nice (and delicious), and Samantha was amazing. Everyone commented on how beautiful she is and how good she is. Even the deacon who performed the baptism kept making comments about how pretty she is and how good she was during the ceremony. I could not be happier with my daughter. She truly is amazing. However, there were the moments when my eyes welled up with tears. As we stood around the basin, I was reminded that my sister, my parents, my in laws, and my aunt and uncle stood there about a year ago blessing Jack. I held onto my necklace letting Jack know he is not forgotten and that I wish so badly I could have had this experience with him too. And of course there were the moments when I wished that my father was there. My sister said he was definitely there in spirit and he can be seen through Sam's eyes. But I do wish he was really there to see how amazing Samantha is. I know he would be so proud.

I definitely like to think that Papa and Jack are watching over her. I hope they will be her guardian angels and keep her safe.

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