Monday, December 17, 2012


The tragic event that happened in Connecticut is something that not many people can compare anything to. I could not imagine what the parents of the children who died have gone through. As soon as I heard the news, all I could do was hold Samantha closer and give her twice as many kisses, and honestly, just cry. I am not one to be affected easily by things in the news or in movies. Maybe because it doesn't hit close to home. However, this event has really hurt me and put pain in my heart. Maybe because innocent children were the victims. Maybe because I'm a mother now. And maybe because I am a mother who has lost a son. I know my loss does not compare, but it is still a loss. I did not get to know Jack and that is something I am somewhat grateful for. It would have been 100 times harder if I knew what he was like, if I got to hold his hand, if I saw him breathe, if I saw him with eyes open. I grieve for those parents because I know how hard their Christmas will be. I grieve for those parents because they will never get a future with their children. I grieve for those parents because they won't be able to watch their little ones grow up. I grieve for those parents because the loss of a child is something NO ONE should have to face.
Again, after such a tragedy, I realize how short life is. I realize we need to be grateful for our children and families. We need to realize that family is important and we should not take advantage of them. Be happy that you have a father that is there to love you and teach you and help you when you need him. Be happy that you have a mother you can turn to for advice and for support. My sister and I have had our issues to say the least, but when it comes down to it, she has been there for me through thick and thin and I know I could always turn to her for whatever I need. I may not have my parents anymore, but I know I have her. Show your children the love and attention they deserve. Spend the days with them outside and do things with them that will make memories. Don't just sit them in front of a tv and waste away the time that you can be spending with them. Your spouse is your best friend. Count on them for that. Losing Jack was the worst moment of our lives, but without each other, Sean and I would not have made it. We have our ups and downs. What couples don't? Have we had more downs? Maybe. But I love him. I am IN love with him and he is my rock. Without him, I honestly would not be alive today. We need to be grateful for the friends we have and not sweat the small stuff. There are people in all our lives that are very important and that would do anything for us. I have learned that I have the most amazing friends and that is something I am so proud of and grateful for. I don't think it's worth our time to hold grudges. It's not worth bickering over the small things. Just remember that those people were the people that were there for you and you will need them again. Be grateful for the people in your life. Be grateful that you are alive. Be grateful that you have not lost a loved one too soon. Because you just never know....

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