Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Morbid Feelings

As a mother who has dealt with a loss, I have the constant fear. I get those feelings that I will wake up one morning and realize that Samantha is not making any noise and I will find her dead. Even when she is sleeping near me, I check to see if she is breathing. Then I actually imagine something happening. I actually imagine what would happen and what our life would be like. Sure, I should be happy and try to just cherish my moments and memories with her. And I AM happy and I AM cherishing every second I have with her, but I feel like I should expect the worst. Call me crazy and morbid, but I can't help it.

1 comment:

  1. Those feelings are completely normal,even parents who did not go thru a horrible loss like you did ,have these feelings sometimes! wishing you strength and love,
    chr xxx
