Monday, December 10, 2012


When I hear people (especially people we personally know) have children that are sick or that end up having birth defects, I get scared. Yes, of course, I feel sympathy. I feel bad because I never wish any stress when it comes to children on anyone. I would not wish that on my worst enemy. Ever. But then I start to feel selfish and turn the fear onto me. What if that is Samantha? What if she turns out to have problems or gets sick? I'll still love her unconditionally but it's scary to think that my child that I waited in fear for could be sick or taken from me or anything. I wish we could all live in a naive bliss and not worry about scary things. But then reality hits. I just don't want to ever see Sam hurting nor do I ever want to lose her. I couldn't bear that. But then there's always the question of what will happen next in my life because things don't tend to go my way....

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