Thursday, April 19, 2012

My dear, long life friend

I wish I could have rushed to meet you, but I know I would have been hesitant.
I wish I could be there to hold your hand, but I know tears of sadness would have overcome the tears of joy.
I wish I could be there with you, but the place still holds bad memories for me.
I wish I could be there to help you through, but I know I would wish it was me and regret decisions I made when I delivered Jack.
If I could be there for you, I would.

I already regret not being there for you. You are my best friend and I want to be by your side and hold your hand. But fear and sadness is still so fresh in my mind and in my heart. I hope you know I am thinking of you and wishing I could be there. I am so torn. I am feeling sadness and self pity. And then I feel like a bad friend because I can't be there for you.

I hope one day the picture you made becomes reality...

I love you.

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