Thursday, April 5, 2012


I feel empty and useless not having Jack. I feel like there is this void in my life. Something is missing. I used to have fun hanging out, going out, and spending time doing stuff that most of my friends are still enjoying. Then I got pregnant with Jack and my days and nights were supposed to turn to him and focus on my time with him. Now I sit alone in silence, feeling empty. My time and my job as Jack's mother came to a screeching halt. I looked forward to countless, endless nights of holding him. Now my arms are empty and my house is silent and sad.
Then, all of a sudden, I feel a kick. My baby girl reminds me that she is there to try to fill that void. Oh sweet baby, I hope you come to me safely and alive. I can only hope your big brother is watching over us and making sure that we will feel some sort of true happiness again.

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