Monday, June 3, 2013


Losing Jack was literally going back to the beginning. It was literally returning to zero. Our world shattered. Our family of 3 was back to a family of 2 but it felt like we were both broken enough that we didn't know where to go from where we were. We had gone through a life of infertility and disappointments to a life of loss and heartbreak. Would we ever be able to start a family?

I feel like it is such a taboo subject. People don't talk about it. People avoid it. People don't ask about Jack. People don't want to see his picture. They have moved on. They forget that Sean and I have a son. I am part of groups, I research infant loss, I still write and think about what we went through. Did you know Keanu Reeves had a stillborn? Or Lilly Allen? Whitney Houston had a miscarriage while she filmed The Bodyguard, and she was on the set the next day after it happened. And so many other celebrities deal with infertility and miscarriages and infant losses but no one wants to talk about it.

I am passionate about things, but I rarely scream from mountain tops or preach. But this is something I am VERY passionate about and something I will always stand up for. Going through this kind of heart ache is not many people get or understand, but it's something that people should be more aware of. And it should be something that people should learn how to handle.

Here's the link to pledge to see the movie Return to Zero. Sure it might be a depressing movie or it might not win an Oscar, but it's definitely something people should go see:

Make the pledge. Go see the movie. And maybe you can understand a little better what we, and so many other couples have gone through.

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