Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Days pass that Jack's name or even existence don't get mentioned. Even between Sean and me. Of course, he's always in our thoughts and we carry him in our hearts, but the time has come when his name does not escape our mouths every single day. There are people in my life that still acknowledge what we went through. People think they shouldn't bring him up or that maybe we have moved on so why touch on such a sore subject. They don't want to hurt us or worse, they have forgotten that we do have a son. That hurts. Please remember that Jack exists and that we have a son. I am not happy to say that I have had a stillborn son but I am proud to say that my son was still born. I have that one regret in life that I know I don't have to mention again, but I never, ever regret Jack. I would not take back that experience. I would not give up the pregnancy I had with him and the moments we shared together. Jack was a miracle that was taken away too soon. I love him and I miss him. I cry for him. My heart aches for him. And I HATE with such indescribable passion that he is not here. When friends do mention him or even the experience, it brings joy to my ears, not pain to my heart. Yes, of course I am still hurting. But I will always be hurting. It hurts more to think that you think I have moved on. I want to scream from the mountaintops: "ALWAYS REMEMBER JACK" and "WE DO HAVE A SON".

Thank you to those who have not forgotten Jack. Thank you to those who mention him. Thank you to those who cherish his memory. Thank you to those who support us and the causes that we believe in. Thank you to those who do the little things. And please, just never forget my Jack Jack.

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