Saturday, April 27, 2013

Who you are....

I don't know who still reads my blog, who ever even ever read my blog, or if it's complete strangers. I have over 10,000 views. And I thank you for that. I come here to vent. I come here to express the feelings I feel everyday. This is my journal where I can let everything out with hopefully no judgement. I hope that I inspire the readers and help them realize that there are people that have gone through loss and heartache. I hope that if you know anyone else who has experienced a loss, I am helping in some way. I hope that you realize that even if you go through hell, there will be some sort of light at the end f the tunnel. I hope that you realize not to judge people because you never know what they have gone through. I hope you learn to put yourself in other people's shoes and wonder how you would feel. I don't know why you read or who you are, but I hope that I am doing some sort of good other than being able to vent my emotions.

Thank you for listening. Thank you for reading. And thank you for allowing me to express myself. I don't do it often and in person. And that is why I come here. And thank you for letting me tell my story and to keep Jack's memory alive and strong.

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