Friday, April 26, 2013

Sort of a new feeling washing over

I love Jack and I will always be proud to say I am his mother. This proudness washed over me today. I can honestly say that I am so happy to say Jack is my son and I am so proud of that. Through all the heartache and tears, I can say that I am so lucky to have experienced pregnancy with him. I am so lucky to have seen him. And I am so lucky his urn and picture are displayed in our living room. I am so, so proud that I got to be with him even if for a short while. Even when I have those guilty moments when I deny him his existence when a stranger asks me if Samantha is my first, I feel the proudness that I know I have a son. I do tell people about him, but when a random person at the grocery store asks me, I want to brush it off. Don't ask people that question... Because you never know what they have been through.

Jack, my son, I love you. I am so happy that I had you part of me. I am so proud to say I am your mommy and please always know that. I love you. And I want to celebrate you forever and ever.

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