Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I think of Jack often. I look at his picture everyday. Every morning and every night, I look at his picture and urn and let him know he's on my mind. But in my life now, things are busy. I have Samantha constantly to watch, feed, change, bathe, comfort. I'm at my friend's house with yet another baby to take care of and distract me from my thoughts on Jack. But in the silent moments when both babies are napping, before I fall asleep, while I'm on Pinterest seeing something that makes me think of him, my thoughts are reminded of my son and how much I miss him. I'm reminded of the pain and heartache I felt a year and a half ago. I am reminded of the hard times we had and still have. And then I get distracted again when a baby cries. But Jack will always be there. He's always in my heart. Always. And it still hurts. A lot.

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