Monday, November 26, 2012


While we were in Poland, I watched my uncle and aunt playing with their granddaughter. She would run back and forth between them and gave them a hug each time she went to them. Then she sat on my uncle's lap as he played the piano. I am so happy and honored that Papa got to meet his granddaughter. Everyone who had spoken to him said how he spoke about her. He was in love with her. He called her beautiful and smart. He would shout her name as loud as he could. But it also makes me so sad that she won't grow up with him. It makes me sad that he hasn't seen her since September. I wish he could see her today.  I wish he could see her as she changes. I wish I could show her off to him. I wish so badly that I could just jump in my car with Samantha and bring her over to him so that he could see her and hold her. If only we could have had a little bit more time....

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