Thursday, November 8, 2012


I wish my mother could babysit Samantha. I wish I could ask her to watch my daughter. I wish my father was still around so he could get to know Samantha and so that she could get to know him. My mother always wanted grandchildren. She loves kids. She spoiled them. She treated my cousin's kids as her own. I couldn't wait to give her grandchild. I could not wait for her to spoil her grandchildren. She doesn't know about Jack. She doesn't know that she has a grandson in heaven. She meets Samantha every time I bring her over there. She loves Samantha's feet. Sometimes she calls her a him. But she also says how cute and smart she is. I just wish so badly that she could know her granddaughter. I wish she could come over and spend time with us. I wish that I could depend on her to watch my baby. I hate that I have lost my mother.

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