Friday, November 2, 2012

Waking up

Samantha and I both have the sniffles. So going to bed last night, I took medicine to help me sleep. As soon as I realized what I was doing, it was too late. What if she cries at night and I don't hear her? What if I don't wake up when she needs me? The night went smoothly. I woke up around 7:45 and realized Sam had not woken up yet. I started to panic. I looked at the monitor and she was still sleeping. But of course, the only way I could ease my mind is to go into her room and make sure she is still breathing. I put my hand on her chest just to double check. She woke up a few minutes later. I know, I know. All mothers are scared and paranoid. But this feeling SUCKS. I am just so scared I will lose her too.

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