Sunday, November 25, 2012


I'm back. Back in Miami. Back to my husband. Back to my baby. It was an amazing trip. Tiring, but amazing. I got the closure I needed saying goodbye to my father. I miss him a lot and I only thought about how I would normally come back to Miami and tell my dad the stories of visiting Poland. Or he would have been there with us. It was a beautiful service, beautiful burial, and just a beautiful, emotional experience. I saw cousins and relatives that I have not seen in years. Everyone was there to celebrate a great man; my father. I miss him so much. I do really wish he was still here. I think about how I wish I did more with him during his last weeks. I should have taken him around more, like I used to. But I was pregnant and selfish. And now I regret that everyday.

It's great to be back with Samantha. I missed her more than I have ever missed anyone. I can not describe the heart ache I felt being apart from her. I am just happy to be back with her safe and sound. In any sort of turbulence on the plane, I would grab Jack's necklace and just hold onto it. I would ask him and Papa to just get me to Samantha safely.

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