Friday, February 15, 2013

Missing you

My dearest Papa. I miss you. I wish you could see Samantha right now. I wish you could just see how she is at this stage. I wish you could see her smile and hear her laugh. I wish we could go over to your house and take you on drives and walk around parks or the beach. I wish she could smile at you and make you happy. You would be so happy to see her the way she is. I could see your reaction now. People say they see you in her. That only makes me happy. Are you with Jack? Do you get to hold him and tell him how much I wish he was with me? So many unanswered questions. So many hopes that we will see you again someday. But the wish of having you here for a just a little bit longer can not be granted. I would have loved for you to see her grow just a little bit more.

Kocham cie, Papo.

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