Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Future babies

I still wonder if I will be able to get pregnant again. Sean is happy with Samantha and as of now, does not want any more children. Who knows if that will change. I know once Sam is walking and able to follow him around, I will be left in the dust. He will take her under his wing. I want another baby. I want to be pregnant again and give birth to another child that I can love just as much as I love Jack and Samantha. It's the most amazing feeling in the world and if I could do it ten moretimes, I would. Question of the day, however, is will I be able to get pregnant again? And next question is will I be able to carry baby to full term and actually give birth? It would be amazing if it is possible. I would also love to be able to give birth without having to do a C-section. I regret choosing to have one every single day. Why didn't I give birth to Jack how he deserved? The way I always wanted to.

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