Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I feel bad about my last post. I feel selfish and it was not necessary. But I am here to vent. I use this to let out my feelings. And back to those feelings from earlier, I add to them. Another reason is the bitterness of everyone's ease at getting pregnant and their naive happiness at being pregnant. I want to be pregnant again. I miss it. It's an amazing time. But then again, there's the worry and fear that I will not meet a child that I carry. Rather, I would experience another loss. Again, I don't know what the future holds. I will be happy to say that Jack and Samantha are my only children. I will be grateful to watch Samantha grow up as my only living child. But I do hope that she will have a living sibling. And I do hope that I will be able to experience another pregnancy and birth. And maybe even a natural one at that.

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