Friday, August 23, 2013

Group Angel

Everyone has issues and problems in life. Everyone goes through problems with friends, significant others, or family, surgeries, heartbreak, loss, or whatever else. And a lot of these people are friends of mine, and hey, even me. I would like to think that when a friend or a family member sees a butterfly fly by during these hard times, they realize that my little Jack is watching over them. My Jack Jack is watching over us as we go through life and go through the times in our lives when we are most confused or most hurt or in most need of a guardian angel. I know Jack is watching over Sean and me and of course Samantha. I felt Jack with us in the room when we delivered Samantha. And I know he will be watching over his little sister for the rest of her life. He will always make sure she is ok. Every time she sees a butterfly, I will let her know that her angel brother is there for her. But not only do I feel like he's there for his parents and sister, I feel like he is there for all those in my life that are special to us. The people who have been there for us. The people that loved him like we did even though they didn't get to meet him. The people that cried for his loss just like we did. The people who's heart broke because they were not able to see and hold such an amazingly beautiful baby boy. So to those of you, and I know you know who you are, that see that butterfly or feel that little extra sunshine, please know that Jack is there for you. When I know you need it most, I ask my beautiful angel baby to watch over you. Every night when I lay Samantha to bed, I tell Jack to watch over her and I say goodnight to both my children. Jack will always be the beautiful guardian angel that is watching over us that most people can only dream of. And Sean and I (and some other friends and family) got to actually meet and touch that angel. I feel so honored to say that.  Thank you for coming into our lives, Jack. And please watch over us. I love you.

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