Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Not something I wanted to share

http://blog.shadygrovefertility.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/539445_546069765408653_447011663_n.jpgA moment that I have dreaded happening has happened. A dear friend of mine has suffered a miscarriage. Hearing her story brought back a lot of memories back to the surface and of course a lot of emotions. But when it comes down to it, I want her to know that she is not alone in this. She admitted to having her hopes high, she admitted to picking a name, and she had already told everyone that she was expecting a baby to be due in April. One in four women suffer a pregnancy loss, so I guess it's bound to happen that one of my girlfriends would share in such a tragedy with me. But I never, ever, ever wish it upon them. If I could take away her pain and raw emotion and just blend it with mine that already exists, I would. If I could make her realize that one day, she will be ok again, I would. Right away, I told her that her peanut will be in heaven with Jack. Her little angel will join mine. I wish I didn't have to say those words to anyone (EVER) but I hope that at least that will give some sort of hope that our angel babies (just like the ones that are here with us) will be playing together.
I wish I could ask God, or any other higher beings, to not let any other friends or family of mine to suffer the pain. It's not fair, it sucks, and it should not happen. I am back to being bitter about life. This shouldn't happen to the people we love.

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