Thursday, August 8, 2013

My birthday girl

Well, the day has come and gone. My daughter has turned one year old. Did she notice when I sang her happy birthday this morning? Did she realize her shirt that she wore all day said "birthday girl"? Nope. Probably not. But I sure did. This has been one hell of a year. It's been amazing. It has taught me so much. It has been filled with so many memories.
Samantha's existence has shown me how important life is. She is the reason why I am alive. She is the reason why I get up in the morning. She is the reason why, even after losing Jack, I had to keep going. 
Having Samantha has caused Sean and me to have fights. Having Samantha has taken away from our alone times. But most importantly, our daughter has taught us to love each other more because of the love we have for her. We know that we need to be ok and to be strong in our love for her. We know that we have to set an example for her.

It's been an amazing year and I know we have many, many more to come. And I have learned that I need to cherish every moment of everyday of every week. I can't wait to see all her new developments and firsts. I can't wait to do more with her. I can't wait to see what her personality develops into.

Happy 1st birthday, my beautiful girl. I love you very much.

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