Friday, August 16, 2013

And so it begins....

Soooo Samantha is sick. LOL. Yes, after only a few days in daycare, my daughter had a fever and now has a cold. Maybe it was from her birthday party or from my friends' kids who are sick, but I HATE seeing her like this. All she wants is me, she sounds terrible, and she is so cranky. I know, I know, it's first of MANY colds to come, but it's still heartbreaking. I just want her to be healthy and happy and right now she is complete opposite. She's still the amazing Samantha who will push through and give us a smile or a kiss, but I can see (and hear) she is suffering.
She still has not adjusted to the daycare. She still cries when I drop her off. However, the lady says that she is doing very well and plays well with the kids. That makes me happy. I just can't wait to be able to drop her off without her breaking my heart with her cries for "Mama".

It's so funny how I used to even roll my eyes at my friends and family who were moms complaining about dropping kids off at daycare or school. I thought to myself, "I won't be like that". I thought that it would be easy. I thought since it's good for them, I would be ok with it. Ohhhhh was that the farthest from the truth. It's so, so hard. It breaks my heart everyday. I hate seeing her cry. And I hate not being with her every second of everyday. But I know it's best for her. I know she needs it. And I know I need it too.

So to all you mothers out there who haven't dropped your baby off yet, it's hard. It's freaking hard! But just remember, it's harder on you than on them!

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