Monday, July 22, 2013

Taking Flight

I have flown on a plane many, many times. I have flown more times than I can remember. I have flown to Europe more times than I can remember. But tomorrow, for the first time, I will be flying to Europe with my 11 month old daughter. And you know what? I'm scared sh**less. My anxiety levels are through the roof so much so that I have been losing sleep for the past few days. As I have gotten older, I get more nervous about flying. And now that I am flying with my daughter, I am even more nervous. I know nothing will happen. I know we will be fine. But I could not imagine Sean being left behind. I wish he was coming. Hey, if we are going down, might as well do it together.
All irrational fears put aside, I am just purely scared about Samantha being on the plane as well. Is she going to be THAT baby that cries and cries for the whole flight? Is she going to wiggling and trying to break free of my arms and lap? Hopefully all the research on Pinterest and other blogs will help me get through the 9 hour flight. I just want to be there. I just want to skip the flight and be there already.
Fingers crossed that my darling baby girl behaves!!!!! Wish us luck and hope for a safe flight!

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