Friday, July 12, 2013

A letter to heaven

My dearest Jack,

How are things up in heaven? I hope you and Dziadzo are together and he is holding you. Did he tell you how much I miss you? Did he tell you how amazing your sister is?

I just wanted to let you know how much you are missed and I wanted to let you know that I think of you all the time. Your name and your face never escape my mind or heart. People have moved on and don't mention your name as much anymore, but no matter how much time passes, your mommy will always be thinking of you. Even if I don't say your name or talk about you, I still have you on my mind and in my heart. You have changed my life forever. You were the most amazing thing that could have happened to me. And I want you to always remember that.
I wonder what you look like. I wonder how you would have developed. Do you see that your sister is already walking? Can you believe she is going to be one in a month? Time has gone by so fast. And I'm so scared the time is taking you further away from me. People may expect me to be over you already, but that's not true. I am still mourning you, my prince. You will ALWAYS be on my mind. Whether it's 2 years, 10 years, or 30 years. I will always wonder what you would be doing, what you would be like, and why you are not with us.

I love you, Jack. I hope you can see us. I hope you are actually watching over us. And I do hope I get to see you again someday.


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