Friday, July 5, 2013

Alternate universe

I imagine a world if Jack had made it. He would be almost two now. He would be running around the house. I would have had him in daycare by now and had some sort of job. Jack would probably be saying some sort of words. There would be pictures of Jack all around the house. We would be filled with joy and love. We would still be naively happy and oblivious to the infant loss world. Sean would have a son to take under his wing. He would be showing him things in the garage. He would be taking him fishing and the other many activities that he wanted to do with his son. Maybe we would be considering another baby by now. 
There would be no tree planted in our front yard in Jack's memory. Our hearts would not have had been broken. We wouldn't be so bitter or angry with life. There would be no shelf in the living room with a dead baby's picture and an urn. There would be no tears of constant sadness on a day to day basis. But there would be no Samantha....

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