Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Dreary Day.

http://www.mywallquote.com/ekmps/shops/mywallquote/images/because-someone-we-love-is-in-heaven-there-is-a-little-bit-of-heaven-in-our-home-333-p.jpgThe sky is grey and the rain is falling. Samantha and I are spending the day indoors. I look at your picture and wish you were here with us. I wish you were sitting on the rug with her and playing with her. I wish I could see you two side by side. I would love to see you be the big brother to her that you should be. Instead, you are her guardian angel. On rainy days like today, I get sad. Sadder than usual. My heart hurts, my eyes fill with tears, and my throat tightens up. I hope you are looking down at us and know that we miss you every single day. I hope you are looking down at us and feel the love that we have for you. Please, please, please realize that we never forgot you and never will forget you. You brought so much joy and love into our lives and when you were taken so soon, our hearts broke and they will never be repaired. We became a stronger family because of you. Your father and I fell more in love because of you. We appreciate life and family so much more because of you. We are so much more grateful for your sister because of you. Thank you, my son, for all that you have done for us. And I hope that you do realize how much you have done and that we are grateful. You are ALWAYS in our hearts and on our minds. You are and forever will be our first baby. Our son. I love you, Jack. I miss you, Jack.

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